When I got into playing Elite Dangerous in 2015 I realised I needed some help with this complicated space sim. The forums were a little toxic and unwieldy to navigate. Then I noticed the Communities feature in Google+ that I barely used. Searching around brought me to the Elite Dangerous Community.

I was amazed to find within this community so much passion for the game and such a friendly place to ask for help. Folks in a video game going out of their way to assist others? Even giving away in-game money? Yes! It was true! We played together eventually forming an in-game group [NULL] from which I still proudly wear the patches on a jacket.

Increasingly, I thought about how much this added to the game, how much I enjoyed these folks company and the sense of camaraderie it fostered. It made sense to try and bring this stuff into other games…

I decided I wanted to create a fun place where people could talk about and share experiences in games with other people who were just as passionate. Also the thought of “Play it your way” kept circulating in my head as I was never a “pro” player. Hardly a groundbreaking plan but simple to start on G+ and the Good Guys Gaming community was born in July 2015.

The name started as a bit of a joke for me. We are good guys and we play games so… Also, I did check that “Guys” was an acceptable way to refer to all genders! I remember watching the member count increase. 6 on the first day, 11 by the end of the first week and then onward.

I’m really happy to say I have some great memories and made some great friends far and wide.

Some of the stuff that stands out for me as fond memories:

The competition in 2015 to design our first logo was won by Sandpup. The logo is pictured to the right.

Elite Meets with Max Acceleration, Obsidian, CMDR Istoff, Unrealization and JayBong.

Guild Wars 2 with HeadBurro Antfarm, Ian Jefferies, Alex Hartmann, Cmdr Paws and Eldaeriel Starshadow. Who could forget THAT tree jumping puzzle or Super Adventure Box? The guild bar still stands at Lost Precipice. Let’s go back sometime!

The Divison with Sandpup, Max Acceleration and Ian Stoffberg and coming up through the ranks together.

Whatever you are into, come say hi on Discord and make some new friends.